Compelling Reason to consider GEOsCAD2 add-on Solution
- Develop with guidance from local industry expert
- Work closely with relevant association members to improve functions or features base on industry requirements.
- Established Client Base in Malaysia
- > 200+ Geomatic Surveyors Companies
- Affordable / Low System Requirements
- Ease of Use, High quality assurance and productivity

Traverse Line Features
- Traverse Miclose Report
- Bowditch Adjust Misclose
- Transit Rule Adjust Misclose
- Crandall Adjust Misclose
- PO and New Adjust
Traverse Line – Auto/Manual Plot
- Traverse Line ( Stn / Boundary / Perimeter )
- Radiate Traverse Line

- Auto / Manual Labeling Tools
- Bearing Distance
- Area ( M2 / Ha / Ek / Kp )
- Lot Numbering (Auto/User define)
- Coordinates
- Road Width (Ver / Hor)
- Reverse Bearing
- Insert boundary mark / stone ( with or without Trim )
Labelling – Auto Bearing Distance

Labelling – Auto Area

Bearing Distance – Coordinate Table
- Area
- Coordinates
- Auto Short Bearing Distance
- Polygon Bearing Distance

GEOsCAD2 Engineering Functions

Engineering Functions
Text & Points Tools
- Display Text from points Spot Level
- Insert Spot Height with IL
- Interpolate Spot Height
- Set Point Elevation to Zero,
- Change Datum for Spot Level
- Insert Point symbol
- Text In Box

Pile Survey
- Set Pile Number
- ASCII Output X,Y
- ASCII Output For Bering Distance
- Pile Deviation Asbuilt
Cross Section & Long Profile
Cross Section
Generate Cross Section from XYZ-points

Generate from line draw across 3D points

Generate Profile from XYZ-points

GEOsCAD2 Topographic (Pro Version Only)
- Auto Generate Cross Section Line
- Generate TIN from 3D Points
- Auto Interpolate Spot Level from 3D TIN with Fix Distance

Point to Triangulation (TIN) Model

Auto Interpolate Spot Level from 3D TIN with Fix Distance

3D-Points -> TIN -> 2D Contour (Pro Version Only)

Plot House Corner

Label Prefix or Suffix

Coordinate Table & Export to File For 3D Poly

Coordinates Transformation & Export to Google Earth (NEW!!!)